About Us

The concept of Birth & Beyond was born in 2017 when my daughter Sophie came into this world.

Having been a Midwife for over 10 years and worked in all aspects of postnatal, antenatal, labour ward and community care - I realised that not all private classes prepare mums and their partners for the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies becoming a parent.

The journey we have had with Sophie so far has made me want to pass on some of my first hand experience to other expectant families, and to offer a little sound advice about the sometimes daunting prospect of becoming parents.

Having a baby is a tiring, stressful, exciting, rewarding, and sometimes worrying time. Don’t worry - these are perfectly normal feelings! Birth & Beyond is about discussing your concerns with another real mum, and giving you confidence with the final stages of your pregnancy, the birth of your baby, and those first few weeks at home together.

© 2023 Birth & Beyond  |  Registered in England and Wales under company number 11118128  |  All Rights Reserved